Allison was living in a duplex in Middlebury when she and her husband separated. A mother of a very young child, she suddenly needed to find an apartment that she could afford on her own.
“It was really important to me to be with my child-at the time, she was only one-and-a-half. I started working part-time so I could spend more time with her. I knew nothing about financial assistance, so I went to CVOEO in Middlebury. They helped me apply for subsidized housing, and put me in touch with the Housing Trust of Rutland County. It was less than two months when they contacted me for the interview. The staff was great to work with. I got a really nice feeling from the interview. When they showed me the apartment that was available, I was blown away.”
Allison’s apartment is in the Shirley Farr House in Brandon. She says safety, security, and cleanliness are what she values most about the property.
“There is an outdoor lock, and the door stays shut all the time. Also, I’m a real clean-freak, and I love that the inside of the building is brand new, just six years ago. It’s spotless, and in good shape. That is huge to me. I know that’s not always the case. I really lucked out with timing and getting a spot here. I think my views on apartment living would be much different if I wasn’t in this building.
“The location is really nice. I like that it’s not in the center of town, but it’s close enough to be convenient. We have a huge yard, and a giant field next door, so there are lots of wide open spaces. I can let my daughter run around without being close to the road. It just feels very safe.”
Within the Shirley Farr property, Allison has taken on the unofficial role of tenant spokesperson and mediator. It’s important to her that the community looks out for each other. “A lot of my neighbors don’t have internet, don’t know how to use technology. I’ll make calls for help when they need something done, or when we have issues in the building, I’ll call maintenance. They are always very responsive. If someone involves me in a conflict, I try to mediate. I like to help when I can.
“I’m extremely grateful for the Housing Trust, for everything they’ve done, and just for being available for someone like me. With my part-time income, I would never be able to afford a regular apartment. My rent is not something I worry about, and that is very reassuring. I honestly do not plan on moving until I can afford to buy a home. This is definitely a dream.
“We all know affordable housing is really hard to come by. I applaud everything they are doing, and have nothing but positive things to say. They are definitely doing the work they say they are going to do.”
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